Since 2012, we have been allowed to access more information, an allowance for many reality shifts. The work is through this life, through us, through the everyday work, through the everyday choices. Hundreds of covert operations have been taking place in the past. They are meant to conceal their true goal, details and players. The storm is with us, once more, for the ones under mind-control and for the ones breaking free. This is a summer that we will all remember. The journey is at times painful, messy, chaotic or confusing and also rewarding, expansive and liberating. Through each layer, the reawakening process continues and it has nothing to do with what has been depicted in new age books.

Governing human minds
Mind-controlling operations have for a long time been global. The painful way they are creating our present and envisioning the future has long been affecting all of us. It isn’t about the love governments have for us but about finding ways on how they can own us better. Governments create and exploit problems. The so-called solution was thought well before the crisis and usually concerns a restriction of individual freedoms. Engineered solutions are getting people in traps of agreement, for example when letting governments provide for their needs (universal basic income), leaving them vulnerable to government requirements. It is a bribe to entrap consciousness and gain further control over human biology. The United Nations were created as the implemented solution after the engineered second world war. They use extensive mind-control techniques in order to succeed with their mission, including shaming the masses for their carbon footprint. They also lie about the number of humans present in this realm. Soros and Bill Gates are just front evils and boogiemen so the general public has someone to project their hatred and anger upon and discharge, once more into the voracious machine. That is also what politicians are about, polarizing.
The 2020 scamdemic is keeping on revealing the gaps that were already existing in the minds of individuals. Who is fully plugged and who is on their way out ? It is suddenly revealed in plain sight, how mainstream stores are under full control of the ruling classes, and employees under severe mind-control – and so are most of the corporations and organisations, both consciously and many, unconsciously. The crisis has not really activated anything inside of people that was not there in the first place, it is just a mean of revelation. The gap was always there and many of us could feel it everywhere we were going, a feeling of loneliness in the middle of the hidden insanity. Now at least, the elephant in the porcelain store is on view and we instantly know what we are dealing with. The situation we are facing is revealing what was dormant. There is nothing that was not there before, that suddenly appeared.
My grieving process was quick to let go of the old world and be ready for whatever is coming. The new ways are just more blatantly oppressive. Anyone who has experienced the patterns of abusive relations knows that it takes time before realizing how dark an abusive situation really is. The point of view of the narcissist should never be taken seriously. It’s profoundly biased and distorted. It may take time to stop finding excuses for others around us. People are handled and they are attempting to be handling us. With any abusive relationship, there is a point of non return. Once it’s crossed, there is no turning back. The work has to be done, putting this contract to a full end and preparing for a new experience, outside of this abusive and horrific bubble of reality. It is just one variant of the nature of the game. The focus can and needs to be redirected out of this imposed cubical reality and aligned with organic principles of creation. One has to start wanting to love themselves enough in order to make the first steps, not to let anyone abuse them any longer. A clear no has to be spoken against exterior savior programming and against the programming that love is outside of oneself and thus can be gained from something exterior. Knowing who we are, knowing our value and not reacting from a wounded place are key elements.

The convergence
2020 is a convergence. One has to be living a self-sufficient life in order not to be affected by the tyrannic and draconian measures taken during the staged crisis. This psychological and spiritual warfare affects this realm much more globally than the previous world wars. 2020 is all about propaganda, constant exposition and repetition, confusion and emotional manipulation. Apparently, the best tricks are the old ones. They are using the same scenario as during 1918-1920, reusing many lines of script. Previously, fires that have been affecting different areas of the world were about moving population out of rural zones into cities, forcefully and out of despair. The aim is for us to be forced into survival modes where our behaviours have been subliminally programmed, artificially and outside of what would happen organically. This situation tends to reveal a lot that was hidden in the subconscious. Many are not ready to find the unconscious aspects of themselves that are playing the game without their conscious awareness. Going inwards is key. If people were not complying with how far it goes, the madness will stop in a minute. Still there is no excuse for abusive behaviors : denunciation, policing, abuse of power, all is on the rise. It has to be known that it is a personal choice to react in such a way and that no excuse has to be found for the ones having choosing denial, fear or imposition of horror. Blind compassion is a trap in itself. There are 2 sides to the fence and these 2 sides appear more and more clearly nowadays. Fear does the selection for us, so the line of direction can appear even more clearly. There is no more time for non essential focus. The situation is a perfect cauldron to reactivate dormant knowledge and skills. Many veils are quickly lifting.
The dark agenda of the New World Order
They are progressing in gaining further control on humans and all life forms under the disguise of caring for animals, humans and nature. They are counting on the generalized fear of being stigmatized and of course, silence, passivity and apathy. The whole world is put under traumatic stress disorder as it is well-known that stress changes the chemistry in the brain. Through mind-control, people that we love are used against us and of course, they are playing on our unconscious traumas, including areas of codependency where people tend to compromise. Convenience is not worth the price that is being paid on spiritual or even physical levels.
They have been implanting the idea on how people get sick for decades in programs, movies, entertainment and sitcoms. The germ theory has been weaponized. They are spending incredible amounts of money for the virus to be embedded in the minds of the masses. Media seems to ignore the fact health crash is never sudden and does not happen overnight : it’s a slow progressive and gradual process. The truth is that they already know the culture they will be serving us in ten years from now, as they knew already a long time ago what would be taking place this year. The agendas have for long been revealed to us in art, cartoons and entertainment for anyone willing to pay attention and deprogram. The machine and artificial intelligence trying to mimick sentience wants us to take the road of choosing to interface and merge with it more and more. The next vaccine will be made as aggressive as possible, a new level of violation of our biology. In fact, vaccination has always been another kind of trauma ritual. It’s long ago they have started to genetically modify us, invading the territory of the human body. They have been perfecting their brainwashing techniques for a long time, more and more aggressively. We can be sure they have found way to single out frequencies and to target specific genetics, meaning it’s probable that they can avoid for certain specific genetics to be cooked the same way we are with harmful frequencies. An electronic prison is being built which is meant to control our thoughts, regulate our lives and surveil us. Pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals, endocrine disruptors, all of this is meant to act like a counterfeit in our bodies and for our cells, to prevent the natural ability of the body to heal and regenerate. When something unnatural is introduced to the system, it produces a disruption. Accepting their ways is to begin to live a life that has nothing to do with us. Without mind-control, cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome, a very distorted form of love, it would never work.

Mind-control operation
An initiation has different stages. Choc is putting individual in an altered state of being. Other stages are to take away someone’s sense of purpose and letting them know their occupation are non essential, before proposing them to become financially dependent on governments. During all these processes, in-fighting is being constantly created so no alliance can unify. To break an individual, isolation is key. A change in their environment causes a change in the way individuals are approaching the future. The obedience we are witnessing is a scary thing. The truth is that we are the ones who are our own innerverses.
Social engineering
Tavistock is all about social engineering and the infiltration of every field of life, shaping the minds of the masses. It is about formulating and executing strategies while presenting them nicely packaged officially. Their schooling programs encourage us to be obedient to external authority, which is a form of programming that is in the way to actualize personal sovereign authority. There is not much that they don’t construct. The New Age cubical mind structures encourage passivity and being disinterested and too trusting. Manifesting while not knowing about the rules of the game can create even more chaos. It’s a long time they have us mapped and profiled in order to keep us under handling, remotely or more directly in government programs.

Hive-mind prisons
Individuals and like-minded groups who might pose a threat are already mapped out in order to prevent the positive impacts they would be having if they were left alone and did not have to navigate the divide and conquer programming. In groups, the energy is being pulled one way or the other through entanglement of energies. Any group or hive-mind environment soon becomes a prison ; vigilance is required in order to stay on track. In this era, many do weaponize information.
Many are caught in a loop, which is meant to slow down. There are many different versions and kinds of loops. When one is caught in a loop, time feels like it’s slipping away, we are left unsatisfied with the impression of not moving through the fabric of reality. They use our own programming and their techniques are uniquely adapted to our unconscious psychic patterns. Yet, the seeker who is sincere and ready to do the inner work will always find a crack within the wall of the matrices. The ones who are sticking to self serving hidden programming will get stuck there for a while ; we have eternity to be learning. They are playing on all the parts where our developments have been arrested, these parts that want to cling onto reassurance. Nevertheless, trauma is a growing point for the ones who are ready to tackle the work. It’s important not to engage in warfare with their propositions. We have been finding our own way to access and integrate information, sometimes indeed through other people yet we were the ones to be willing.
It has to be reminded that we, the reals, have the potential to be alchemizing everything, even their mind-controlling tools. We can take them and we make gold out of them. That’s how good we are. In order to be able to tap into this potential, the wound of non recognition has to be overcome. It has to be known that the majority generally has a hard time to recognize the beauty that is just in front of their eyes, because they are too busy with the spells they are under. It has nothing to do with intrinsic value. We have to be the love we have never received and feel what it feels like in our own bodies in order for it to be accessible in our reality. We have to be the ones to give to ourselves what we truly need. When we feel frozen and unable to be productive in our creativity, it means energy is stuck somewhere, something needs to be expressed and addressed in order for energy to be fluid once again, something that is handling us, very often through our own inability to become aware of it, our habit to stay silent about it or passively accept it into our field.
Traps of agreement
Though sovereignty is an inalienable birthright, our life essence has been traded from the start : we are considered as disposable products. Everything is based on commerce and law and, as per the law, everything is based on agreements. A key point is to be keeping out of their game. As soon as we pick a side by answering to their propositions, we become neutralized and they have gained our agreement. Keeping a zero point attitude is key so we are not in the chest game or in their lanes, keeping connected to the reality we want to birth. As soon as we are engaging in one of their cubical structures, our power becomes deactivated. They get public consent through choices made out of fears. A good counterfeit will always deflect responsibility. It transfers and most importantly, it is asking for your consent for this transfer of power. The doubt is what makes it hurting. When there is no doubt, one can reject their reality with a laugh. There is nothing more powerful than sharply denying the reality they are trying to impose. When it has no grip, it has no power. Because they know how it works, between us and our higher spirits, they do everything they can to hijack that connection and mimick it so they can supplant not only our psyche but also every parts of our nervous systems. For that, they need to make sure we are consenting. Everything is made to steal away our imagination and for us to think we have no value. Yet, without our consent and our life force, they can not do much. What we don’t give away, they can’t take. They are looking for a breach inside of us where we give our power away.
We have to be willing to emancipate from many lifetimes of oppression and reject the mimick of the impostor. We shall not confuse it for us and we should set ourselves free from the drugs they are trying to get us addicted to. It’s not hurting anyone to be doubting and not accepting ideas because exterior authority said so. We are allowed to take our time to learn their rules of the game. When we are acting from a place of knowing our own authority, there is no hesitation and the energy dissolves suddenly under the knowing that there is no doubt in our creation. Our power resides in the fact of knowing who we are and our true value. Our own innerverses are our absolute rules. That is how invasion happens from the inside, as soon as we accept things that remove us from ourselves, as soon as we begin to live something that isn’t us and that supplants our natural nervous, emotional, physical and psychic systems. Everything is made to impair our cognitive functions, our neurological pathways, our immune and nervous systems, our cellular regeneration and the function of our glands. It is important to find the zero point within the self, beyond space and time, to work on neutralizing the impostor consciousness and find ways to access the fractal crystals were the energies of trauma are entrapped. We may command their energies to leave our space.

Counting on intimidation
A good reminder is that terms such as mandatory, required or rules and orders are counting on the way our minds are impressed by language of authority. This does not mean it has legal and juridic authority over us. Most of the implementations are based on intimidation only, taking advantage about the fact that the majority of us do not know our own rights. It is by design that we believe juridic legislation to be too complex for us to know and navigate. The more we learn, the more we realise it’s simpler than it seemed.
If someone is filing against me, who is this person ? It is a mean to come back to the person and not the entity behind which they all are hiding. It is of prime importance not to accept any of the doors they are offering to us but find our own portals of Creation, knowing that, when we are in resistance, what we tend to manifest is the negative aspect of the creation, as a form of unconscious self-fulfilling prophecy.
The importance of not wearing a mask
Personally, I will throw to the bin any object I receive from the ‘commune’ of Belgium « for my own safety ». Masks are made to break the connection between people. It also prevents the desire to speak, as it’s harder to be heard and understood as facial expressions are partly missing (and we already needed to make much progress in communication skills…).
With the coming of this era, it has become necessary to end a few more contracts with beings, corporations and entities that are overtaken and working for anti-life agendas. This included mainstream and sometimes organic grocery stores and yoga studios. In a yoga studio I used to go, I was a few steps ahead since I had decided not to renew my subscription once it will come to an end, a few weeks before they tried to impose the wearing of a mask from the main door to the changing room (how ridiculous). It is about walking away from those who try to oppress or get us in traps of agreement that are spiritually, emotionally and physically harmful. They make many offers but each offer we can reject. None of this is part of the new realm that is growing inside of us.
All of this provides a map to navigate these times : options with more sovereign individuals are in limited number but they do exist. It definitely is a ground of experimentation for us as well. I keep on going when I cross path with abusive behaviors are trying to get me into unwanted contracts. I am working on dismissing it from my reality as quickly as it happened, I keep on looking to open a new door, find a new idea and try something else. And because what matters the most is the emotional maturity of others, I have so far always found a more positive outcome in the next place that allowed me not to feel stuck and static, to keep on moving.
In parallel to their plan, the becoming of a new reality is happening through us, as we are finding ways to operate outside of the system’s protocols. What we may count on is our current and future creativity. With our current minds, we have no idea how creative we will be during the next decade, we will surely surprise ourselves and be a surprise for the algorithms as well – that is the power of descending into the secrets of the self. We will be very resourceful, way beyond what’s possible to imagine right now. We shall rely on what is inside of us to define our future. Everything existing is based on us and it is vital to preserve what lives inside of us. Nothing that we don’t accept can be forced upon us. There is always a way out. We had no idea it was there a few seconds before. It’s like a gate opening on a treasure. A loud non-consent to tricks of on and off world have to be stated. We may always ask for everything to be revealed in plain sight and summon it or them to be propulsed outside of our scope of our reality. « You shall not pass, you can’t contain me and you certainly can not assimilate me. I am my own inner verse. »

Heading towards self-sufficient and autonomous communities
Yet, I am working on having to rely on exterior sources less and less. The crisis had me realizing how dependent I was from exterior sources and had me suddenly realizing and learning about autonomy in water, food and electricity. It’s been the perfect eye-opener for what I needed to learn. For me the answers lie into going back to a more self sufficient life in terms of food, electricity, heating and water, our most fundamental needs. I am actively organizing myself every single day to become less and less dependent by learning to produce my own food, collect rain water, invest in water filtering devices and learn about sustainable energies and building houses with natural materials.
Personally, I am willing to cocreate only with the ones invested in pro-life agendas and I am working everyday to stop relying on anything that comes from an anti-life source. I work to want less, to have fewer desires, to keep being open to the work that is required to be done right now. I have deconstructed the idea of happiness. Yet, I know there is much more to be experienced and these are just the first encouraging steps about what healthy relating is about. While I am healing from the wound of non recognition, a sense of appreciation is being reflected to me more and more, coming from a place inside of me, actually as I am reclaiming my true value from within myself.

On finding creative ways not to be subjected to intimidation techniques in food stores
In the meanwhile, there are many options to organize in front of the tyranny which most mainstream stores were always part of and with which most local farms and organic stores have chosen to align with due to the generalised mind control. I take this as an opportunity to redirect the way my main monthly budget is being spent: buying organic fruits, vegetables and fruit juices. I have found new creative ways to save myself the trouble to have to counter-balance their energy imposition during a portion of my day by limiting the time I am spending outside. By taking care of our homes, we take care of ourselves and we have an influence on everything else. Building a toolbox of skills and knowledge is essential, learning about practical skills, survival thinking, reclaimed critical thinking, reconnecting with our inner guidance. At the same time, it’s important to detach from inanimate objects and lands and be ready to the possibility of having to grieve them and start over. All of this feels like doors and gates opening within the self while the world is going under constriction, restriction, contraction. Here are a few of those ideas:
- I have been getting my first fruit baskets delivered.
- I found an eco-farm project one-hour away from my home, where I can pick fruits and vegetables during the high harvest season (May-October) while walking freely in the gardens.
- When driving, if I see a sign, for example of organic apples, I stop by to directly collect 6 kilos of freshly harvested apples. Being unmasked is usually not a problem although the person serving might be wearing a mask.
- I try to stop by at natural springs where I fill 100 liters of spring water, as I know this has the natural electromagnetic current that my body is longing for.
- I have been ordering packs of 12 liters of pasteurized fruit juices (apple-rasberry, apple-cherry – these 2 are great detoxers), delivered to my door. I can sustain mainly on fruit juices if I need to as they give enough natural sugars to the body to be able to function properly and with an extremely good amount of strength and clarity.
Much more is about to come, our time is the most precious currency.