As you are choosing to have an online presence, you are exposing yourself to different kinds of projections and additional targeting in your life, as an original spark. It’s important not to end up chasing phantoms. An important reminder is that most gangstalking and harrassing is done by being without spirit, that explains a lot. One can become trained to identify immediately someone’s energy signature, reading energies. It will save a lot of time and energy not to be tormented by external opinions coming from suggestions of the control systems.
As I have become more and more able to recognize energy signatures, it happens that I don’t finish reading the words that were intended to leave an imprint on my consciousness. I just take a measure of self protection as the energy signature is enough for me to know where to stand with this person and the danger they represent. There is no need to dissect what is being said. I know there will always be new corners of backslash that I can not see coming. I move forward with whoever is genuine and receptive to my work and my frequency signature and whom I appreciate too. The desire to break someone down is the result of mind control and spirit fragmentation or personal choice of darkness. On another note, love-bombing techniques may also be encountered. They are compliments that are meant to create an emotional attachment and that are seeded in a manipulative way to relate. They attach very often to the wound of not feeling loved, seen, heard or recognized. Narcissistically manipulative profiles use them abundantly, especially in the beginning of the relationship.

Coping with criticism and attacks
I work on freeing myself from limiting beliefs and biases, constrictive conditioning and judgments, and false paradigms built on the need for external validation and constructing an acceptable identity. I am humbled by the complexity of what we are, what we are capable of. The ego is small, limited, afraid. The Spirit is boundless, vibrant and whole. The illusion disempowers us into a perpetual victim state where we negotiate our integrity for empty promises of validation and worth. Some of the most important decisions I made were completely internal. Being exposed to personal attacks, custom-made for us is common when you are a real original being, thus making you a targeted individual. Reality is engineered around you. At first, I did not understand why I was being attacked. Why were things being taken out of context?! Why was I being misunderstood and what I say, distorted? This reality is one with an overwhelming presence of shadow projections, targeting, harrassing and gangstalking. There is an inevitable backslash of negativity that comes with exposing ourselves. Being exposed comes with artificial intelligence curses and a small percentage of organic blessings. In addition, one of the main lessons is also to stay in control of the creative work and associate with people who have a great level of integrity and with whom a dialogue is always possible to adapt to whatever will erupt (because it will).

Keeping minimal on social media
There are beings I care about and who I am not able for my own mental health to be actively following on social medias. I have learned to preserve my energy in order to move forward, releasing the impression it would be my responsibility to stay connected to what is keeping me in my programming on a daily basis. Social media are built this way, with many options of posts under different layers of programming. It is a way to control and eat our time, our energy and our attention until there is nothing left. I have been tricked by artificial intelligence on Facebook many times, traps that cost me a lot of my time and energy ; traps that have been used to get a hold on my consciousness and to handle my life.
Social media is just one aspect of life, not a representation of the whole. Facebook might have been started as a hidden DARPA project to trap the reals with their own addictive patterns and networks. DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and is a research and development agency of the US Department of Defense that has shaped our modern reality with emerging technologies. There is a link to covert governmental projects and the military there which is always linked to mind control. Social medias are a tool of mind control. One of the aims of social media is to keep us engaged with them. How long are we going to stay on this platform? Many platforms are compeating with each other, setting into place more and more addictive methods to keep the engagement of their audiences. The simulation had us tracked before social media and the internet. It just gets more complex and the level of addiction is increasing so we have to be stronger at resisting addiction. Social media does definitely affect our creativity. It also does affect the idea we have about how good our work is due to the popularity systems that can be detrimental for mental health in many ways. You may also decrease in popularity as you are setting boundaries for yourself that are about being handled or targeted in your energy. When we are working with applications that we don’t pay for, we are the products that is being sold.
Placing boundaries is necessary for me to make my projects move forward. Through the pain of not feeling validated, recognized or even loved, the tendency is to project outwards these unresolved wounds. Restricting social media activity is an action aligned with the understanding of how mind control tools function and it’s about taking a stand to preserve one’s life vitality. Humans do not tend to see the world as it is but as they have been taught it is and as they have been wounded to believe it is. It leaves a stain on interpersonal relationships as beings are not seen as they are but as a projection of who they are. When people are not able to take distance, not able to own their psychological processes, I know it’s not suitable for me to actively express, though I am psychically aware of what’s going on. I accept collateral damages. I know from my personal experience losses and goodbyes are inevitable when people are not accountable for their projections.
Similarly, some people who have genuine love for me are not able to see the content I share. It’s invisible for them because of where they are in their journey and where I am in mine. And I understand if a friend needs to take distance for a while : it’s their freedom to do so while they are with their own process. The door isn’t close, it’s a temporary adjustment. It’s not personal and I respect them in their own rythm as I have true love for them. Moreover, nothing is set in stones : I constantly reevaluate my positions and change my subscriptions acknowledging where I am today and where others are in their journey. It’s okay to feel a need to retrieve. Who would we be to intrude on someone else’s sovereign choice, believing we know better what is good for them than themselves?

On social media, I see a tendency for harassers to jump to conclusions, going from A to Z without considering all the curves and loops possible in the discourse. Most beings don’t realise they are being passive aggressive, adding more toxicity and energetic pollution to these already very charged platforms. Passive aggressiveness is not always overt but one can feel it in the energy signature. It’s very widespread online, under the cover of the like button that becomes a form of silent protestation. I learned a great lot about passive aggressiveness from trainings in my past romantic relationships with darkly controlled profiles. At first, I was oblivious about it, yet these experiences helped me to have a training ground to become able to recognize this insidious signature. Let’s not forget that internet and social media have been envisioned to gain further control over our minds.
Social media are designed in such a way to steal a little bit of time and energy here and there. When one person acts on their passive aggressive triggers, they are doing the dirty work, being run by forces that are greater than their own thoughts. They are acting like matrix agents. Nevertheless, a warrior can never be stopped and will end up only fortified by learning how to navigate these types of dynamics.

There is an invitation to check ourselves before taking actions that are not serving the collective and that steal away precious time and energy from truth seekers that could use their energy and time for much greater things. I strongly reject unhealthy debating as it leads nowhere. Respect is missing from the relationship dynamic. There is a great difference, the energy signature doesn’t lie. Although feeling these projections can be hurtful, I have learned to keep my positions and boundaries; to identify what affects and hurts me if necessary and to close the door and the entry point of attack. To me, true and wholesome healing is vulnerable, raw and integrated.