Aria Persei

Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance

One year of regeneration tending towards a frugivore mucus free way of eating

When I internally prayed for answers in terms of health addressing causes and not symptoms, I wanted to leave the passivity of a state of powerlessness. A whole year of research, experimenting and reprogramming followed but of course I bumped into a cult first. The road to a frugivore mucus free way of eating is a journey of self exploration, trials and errors and deep reconnexion to the body intelligence and its functions.

Human diet is not supposed to be what we think it is. By taking a look at different types of anatomies, it appears that the appropriate diet for humans, the one that fits human physiology without causing any harm, consists of fruits, vegetables, seaweeds, sprouts, nuts and seeds. Our physiology differs much from carnivores, omnivores or herbivores. It doesn’t look like we have the correct equipment to digest the acidity of a high protein or a high grain diet. Many products that are proposed for human consumption in stores (some of them being considered healthy) actually are creating acidity and obstruction within the body. The food industry is a business employing endless numbers of people. Oils, flours and dairy products appear to be causing health damages.

The body acts as a buffer until it runs out of options. And this is happening for the current generations, suffering advanced states of chronic and degenerative issues as our world becomes more and more a place of exposure to toxicity. It seems more and more people need to take radical actions in regards to their health. Fortunately, we aren’t powerless, if only we reconnect to our own inner truth which will show us the way. In the field of health and diet, as everywhere else, disinformation and misinformation rule, making it even more crucial to come back to tuning into our own healing system: our body. I learned that cleaning the body at such level takes time and commitment over years and that it is appropriate to think in terms of creating the least additional waste and adopting means of clearing the old stagnant waste out.

My journey with food

I grew up eating a diet that many would consider normal in western standards: home cooked meals including meats, grains, vegetables and salads. My first research around food was through mainstream psychology magazines and was directed by the programming of losing weight or dealing with “fat”. Around age 16, I was learning about calories and starting restricting my food consumption with a fear-based frequency. I understood how the model/fashion industry is a great way to control women with creating a fracture around the subject of food (our primary relationship with the external world), our weight and our self image. Once someone is suffering from an eating disorder, all their energy goes on this inner war. And this keeps them busy with their inner self loathing programming.

During childhood, I would have terrible migraines which would often end with me having to vomit. I didn’t know that headaches could be connected to poor kidney function. Kidney function is closely linked to the lymphatic system which is supposed to be working but which is stagnant and clogged up for most of us. Diseases are linked to the fact that our lymphatic system is not working and that waste is sitting in our body. I only suffer from a light headache a month nowadays and don’t use any medication to ease the pain. They are growing in lesser and lesser intensity and it is my understanding they are related to an acidic crisis that happens due to an hormonal imbalance once a month.

When I was 18, as I was starting to do the groceries on my own, I was not called to go in the meat section. I became aware of the cruelty involved in killing animals and this ethical concern led me to decide orienting my diet towards pescatarianism (it was more evident to have compassion for mammels than for fishs). Along the years, I experienced a lot with recipes and different ways of eating. When I was 23, I suddenly lost 10 kilos in a few weeks, so fast I couldn’t believe it when I got on the scale. Later, I would understand I might have been in hyperthyroid stages for 2 years, until suddenly the weight was back on my bones: I was now further away in my thyroid problem, in hypothyroid. A few years later, I would lose a great deal of hair, which is also linked to a poor thyroid function, which also affects calcium regulation and is slowing the entire system down.

My concern of gaining weight was not the only reason why I would avoid fast food, pasta, pizzas, bread and all grains. I just didn’t feel good when I was eating it. Progressively, I developped a love for big salads and pans of cooked vegetables. I had a big affinity for cheese and this began to be a big addiction, that I wasn’t aware I had (cheese is the most concentrated form of casein in any food. It is supposedly so to assure the nursing of baby animals and help the survival of the specie. When consumed, the fragments of opiate molecules of dairy protein attach to the same brain receptors that other narcotics attach to). Around age 28, I adopted a vegan diet for a year (which meant in my case mainly letting go of cheese and it took a bit more time to dismiss honey out of my diet) but succumbed peer pressure from my concerned doctor as I was struggling with some emotional processes. I renewed with fish and eggs (but not with cheese) for a few months… But only for a little while.

My wake-up call happened when facing the state of my gums which were receiding badly. I internally prayed for answer, a sincere prayer that was soon answered (by a cult leader), as prayers are. I got so used to my chronic troubles, I didn’t even think another type of experience was possible. Although I had been feeling better with adapting my diet in the past, especially when quiting meat and grains, I had never found a true healing system (I invite you to consult my article on the mucus free healing system). I had never trully detoxed. And the answers came knocking at my door (they had already knocked 6 years before with Doctor Morse’s videos, another cult leader, only my mind was too stubborn to open the door). Some food I was consuming were overstimulating (cacao and matcha) and mucus-forming (organic eggs) and liver and lymph blocking (“healthy” fats). It appears white potatoes, rice, corn, soy products, tempeh and all processed food are mucus forming. It appears oils and fats are mildy mucus forming but obstruct the lymphatic system which halts the detox process. The good news is also the myth of meat for protein has no solid ground as what we need are amino acids. Accumulation of obstruction led to more and more unconfortable living conditions. This path would be a humbling one, teaching me patience and revealing much about the human process.

Searching for answers, diving to the root cause

The idea to give up even a small portion of my beloved salads, veggies and currys was not easy to approach. I didn’t know the extent of how I was using food to soothe my life and to numb my emotions. I didn’t know how food is another mecanism, just as screens, addictions and compulsive behaviours, to avoid feeling the discomfort and the suffering and how much it can be used as a way of distracting oneself from feeling unpleasant feelings. Furthermore, our relationship with food happens on a daily basis, several times a day.

In March 2018, I opened Pandora’s box and started to learn about the original human nutrition, the creation of residual waste in the body, cellular detoxification and fasting. Despite my spiritual work, including extensive work with plants medicine known to encourage purging (including more than 30 sessions with kambo which is supposed to be a great cleanser but which is opening ourselves up to astral warfare) and numerous body, mind and energetic therapies, I hadn’t been regenerating or truly healing. During the next months, I watched, read and informed myself extensively. My new routine became a natural part of my life: transitioning towards a mucus free diet, enemas, tinctures, dry brushing towards the kidneys, dry fasting, lymphatic sessions, massages and different movement practices.

Detoxification became a lifestyle. My transition was progressive, not radical and lasted for six months: I got off animal products and stimulants (the occasional coffee, matcha or my beloved green teas that I thought were so harmless). I wasn’t used to eat any grain so I didn’t have to replace them with quinoa or millet. I used minimal fat. For a time, I would still have denser foods such as chickpeas, hummus, tartinades and on occasions avocado and nuts. I delayed my first liquid intake and increased my fruit intake. The hardest thing was to decrease the amount of starchy vegetables (such as artichoke, cauliflower, mushrooms, olives, pumpkin family) which are moderatly mucus forming. I increased my dry fasting windows from 8-9 hours to 16 hours to longer dry fasts of almost 2 days, starting once a month then more regularly. Dry fasting is a powerful way of regeneration. During this state, the body is handling the water, making sure not to lose its fluids. For years I have dry fasted when I was going to the airport, avoiding the fuss of carrying liquids. I would quickly lose the habit of dry fasting if I was losing the discipline for a while. It took more patience and longer fasts to start clearing the obstruction at a deeper level. All of this happened during a period of 14 months, allowing me to integrate the knowledge and the heightened perceptions.

What I have learned

Everybite costs valuable life-force energy to be processed. A long and complex digestion (such as in the case of proteins, amidon and cereals) will generate metabolic waste within the body and encourage acidosis. The undigested parts of ingredients (such as concentrated amidon) leave a residue that stick to the intestinal track. I understand how my body became denser with that obstruction accumulating over time in each cell and each tube. I thought feeling how I felt was normal: feeling tired, having difficulties to erupt from the dream time, needing to sleep countless hours if I didn’t put an alarm clock. There was no bottom. I discovered that what I thought were minor symptoms actually weren’t minor at all (teeth problems, acne, varicose veins, slowed down metabolism).

Acne is a sign that cellular waste is let out through the skin because the lymph and the kidneys are not able to direct the waste out fast enough. Suppressing acne takes things deeper into the tissues of the body. It is suppressing the symptom but not addressing the cause. Acne is a sign that the colon especially the transverse colon needs to be cleaned. Furthermore, kidneys don’t like to receive much liquid: they can’t do their other important job which is to filter lymphatic waste. Water dilutes the acidity but it also keeps the kidneys busy. I started to drink most of my water intake in the form of fruit juices and whole fruits. I have felt more hydrated than when I was drinking water and tea. It feels good not to be dependent anymore to always have something with me to drink. I know I can function a whole day without any food or liquid and up to 2 days or even longer if necessary (my longer dry fast being to this date 58 hours).

Results and spiritual lessons

2 long fasts of 42 and 45 days have also sped up the process. My cravings for salty things (a stimulant for tired adrenals glands) are rarer (cheese cravings disappeared soon after). My kidneys do filter more and more. I can go for a longer time without feeling dehydrated and my acne has almost disappeared entirely. I understand my body symptoms as they arise. I feel more empowerement over my own health. I can discern even better the fear propaganda of the medical system and the allopathic doctors or “health” specialists and the creation of a hierarchy when they are using their supposed knowledge and expertise as a way to create a power dynamic. I have established a wiser cooperative dialogue with my body.

In terms of emotions, as the stagnant waters began to move within, so did the memories, emotions and traumas. Slowly these experiences have been paving the way to reveal to me some of my coping mechanisms. Detoxification is a golden path to access the rawness of emotions. I worked on my patience and I am learning to listen more closely when it’s time to dive deeper or when it’s time to integrate more steadily and slow the process down. I now see it’s all a matter of frequency and density. I learned the best way to go is to go gradually. Nowadays, some days I eat only fruits and juices, not because I force myself to do so but because I can handle the high frequency that they bring into my reality. I reviewed my beliefs around aging, health and beauty. It took me a while to become able to be aware of when a food item produces mucus in my body as I couldn’t differenciate it from detoxification in the past.

Every bite we put inside of us impacts us on many many levels. It’s such an exploration and an adventure. Let’s keep on exploring.