Aria Persei

Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance

Here is a list of colleagues or collaborators I value the work of:

Keep awareness that we are all under current handling and we all have to deal with our
MK Ultra programming and alliances that are hiding in the background until they are revealed in full transparency.
My friends are doing beautiful things and they truly inspire me.

Sandra Woelfel and Einfach Anders Sein website and Youtube channel
Tiger Lily Rain and Limitless with Spirit

MisticCafe, examining life from a mystical perspective

Energetic spaces with Kendra Gardner

Victoria Mai

Eleonora Velka-Sai

Sugar free, gluten free and dairy free cakes, solstice detox and raw food cleanse with Kazzrie

Other resources

Brian Larson & Mettaverse (music & mentorship)

Animal communication and grief guidance with Harmonie Godart
Croc La Vie

Luminous Raw, the project from Anastasia Fazal
Diana Maria (fruit liquid light)
Custom-made perfumes with Claire au Naturel
Goût sauvage in Rennes-les-bains with Danièle (bed and breakfast and raw living food)

Find a spring near your homes in your country (preferably filtering it with a Berkey filter)

Fruit trees around us


By Wade Mullen: Something’s not right

By Anastasia Fazal: Juice Recipes For Vitality and Joy Ebook
By Alicia Silverstone: The Kind Diet
By Isabelle Cornette: Le Jardin des Merveilles

By Arnold Ehret: the mucusless diet

By Bernard Jensen: Iridology Simplified and A Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing

By Kendra Gardner: 24 hour Magic, how changing the energy in your space can change your life

By Judy Howard: Growing Up With Bach Flower Remedies: A Guide to the Use of the Remedies

By Nora Lenz: Dog Nutrition 101

By Allie Phillips: The Oily pet ~ safe essential oil methods for cats and dogs (click)

By Allie Phillips: The Oily crystal ~ safe blending of essential oils and crystals for people and pets (click)

By George John Georgiou: Candida Cure