In late 2019, during a 3-months stay in South East Asia, I became increasingly aware that something was really wrong and engineered about the way I was able to travel or even live my life. I wrote about the trap of traveling in the past, yet now my understanding was widening a lot about the nature of what had been going on all along.
Our travels are generally not what we think they are
I left with the idea to go for a completely different initiation than the one I was presented with. I can see how the one I experienced was the one I needed the most. I tried the digital nomadic lifestyle (online work while being in exotic and stunning locations) on 5 different islands in Thailand and around Bali. There, the veil is thinner with some low astral forces, it’s not the easiest to navigate nor the most pristine energy to be supported by, yet it had many lessons in store for me. It was not the first time there was so much mind control during my travels, actually all my visits to Asia (5 times) were engineered in order to trigger dormant layers of monarch programming or in order to reprogram me. I pierced through new layers of mind control which were influencing my choices, behaviours and actions. I did my best to reclaim and make more conscious choices and not to go in the directions that were planned for me.
Getting better at setting boundaries
Once more, I discovered non sovereign parts within my self by being in touch with fractured parts within others, including dark handlers in the 3D plane trying to access me following the orders of dark factions. This process had to come with letting go of new layers of guilt or people-pleasing patterns. It was heavy on my nervous system as all trauma always is. I also got physical symptoms from not listening to my inner guidance, in this case, another urinary infection, which brought me back to my first one in very similar settings (it has to do with being in the presence of a narcissisticly wounded profile and feeling like I am not a master of my time (my territory is mainly my work) anymore). Many times, it felt like my time and point of focus were being chased and hunted and that I had to work hard in order to protect them. I have made tremendous progress about setting boundaries in my life and I still have a long way to go. Still, I come a long way as I used to be walking with rocks in my shoes, so programmed I would not stop and do something about it. I would also sit for 2 hours in front of a friend of mine, absorbed by the conversation, while really I would have needed to use the bathroom and take a moment for myself. I still encounter situations where I am not fully able to honor my boundaries everyday. It usually has to do with something very controlling in others because I am usually able to handle « normal types » of situations. It becomes complex when they have darker energies or programming running through them, entity attachment or low frequency influence ruling them. It indeed becomes more complex when there is a degree of paranormal interference and scrutiny from the dark factions.
Orion ‘Healing’ Center in Koh Phagan
After an interesting retreat with the Shamanic Training that was not what I thought it was (see my article about the new age scene where I go in depth about what happened there), I was led by a series of suggestions to a healing center in Koh Phagan ; I was mainly consuming beverages and fruits there while working on the computer, followed 2 yoga classes and a workshop on trauma release led by a full vessel for dark factions. He was not excessively dark in who he was, he was just controlled, empty and a puppet for something else to work through him. I was monitored where I was staying and there was no escape anywhere I would choose to go. I learned that consciousness can be controlled from spending time and eating food at a healing center that is under alien hostile faction grip and influence. The staff of Orion was very disturbingly looking and they were not humans at all. There were also lacking some of the spectrum of the human emotions. The mind control happening there was the main reason I felt chased during the 2 months I spent on the island and experienced a series of counterfeit synchronicities, mainly with men handlers under mind control who also had aggressive communication skills. They were also placing spells of self-serving manifestation in the air and it was interfering with my free will. Being highly psychic and in the process of healing coping mechanisms of answering others’ programmed needs, I was finding myself spontaneously led to answer the wishes placed in the air as it was interfering with my own guidance system (this has to do as well with synthetic telepathy). I would turn up at a special spot, thinking it was my own idea while I was in fact tuning to the desire and suggestion of someone else. I know this happened all my life, I was just beginning to become more aware of what had been going on at a more subtle level.
Some do not care to understand a boundary expressed kindly and with a smile. In some cases, I reestablished the boundary once I was physically out of the the situation, I corrected and I adjusted with self reflexion and taking time to reach more clarity. Some of these handlers I had to push away rudely and learn to refuse to give away my contact. If I felt pressured to give away my contact, I would then allow myself to block them or leave them without answer. Some times, these aggressions were triggering my nervous system, some other times, I was able to be observing from a zero point and just act as I knew I should in retreat and protection. The number of aggressions was so high and would happen almost everyday through various angles. I was unable to restore my nervous system and relax though I was doing my best to connect with nature and sunlight and explore different locations.
- Alien baby from Orion
- Strange energy from Orion’s founders
Maconic imprint in food and drinks
This episode taught me much. It was a reminder for me about why it’s so important to pay attention to everything we consume. I began to be reluctant to eat food prepared by strangers and after that episode I know even more how important it was not to consume any food and drink from organisations or companies that have ties with freemasonry (such as Starbucks and countless others). Their logos are often designed to trigger subconscious responses on customers. Who knows what kind of ingredients (fetuses, recycled body parts) is in their food (which is also of low quality and very acidic) and what they embed in the food and drinks they sell to us, with our consent because we are agreeing to pay for our minds to be handled. Liberation takes time and it’s one step at a time. How clever is it to make money and make a business from controlling our minds ? We should not rely on any masonic corporation or affiliate for our food or remedy supplies, they are not to be trusted with their intentions concerning our well-being. In addition, the technology is so advanced now that what happens on nano levels stay invisible for our eyes but is being used against us to handle us even further. Mind controlling drugs may still be found in our systems on an everyday basis so we can say that we are half functioning most of the time. I have been taking new decisions about where and how I get my food from every time I am becoming aware there are maconic ties or low frequency entities involved in the harvesting, transit or distribution of the food I consume. Still,even if it is from my own garden, there are dark presences in my physical direct neighborhood. It’s always about finding a balance that has to be reviewed everyday.
Imprinting homeopathic remedies
Recently, I started to pay more attention to logos and I started to make sure to double check the founders of corporations I am in touch with as a buyer of their products. Before buying a book I usually make sure to check what their author looks like and if possible, to witness them in a video. That will be the format giving me the most information about their signature. Often, a book written about narcissism will be written by abusers and perpetrators, the market is saturated this way. Some of these products I make sure to be double checking are healing tinctures, essential oils, cosmetics or homeopathic remedies. I was already conscious I did not want to order homeopathic remedies from a big compromised firm that was trying to gain monopoly over homeopathy so I was looking for small independent businesses. I bumped across a website of a firm in the United Kingdom (Helios). The first video had me almost convinced until I bumped across the energy signature of the founder. I later noticed the masonic logo. Who knows what they are doing with these products they are selling ? One can predict it is pretty dark and in alignment with the enslavement agenda of the dark factions off world. Most of the options out there that do exist are there to further the mind control that we are under and to strengthen it, to engineer new ways of entrapment and traps of agreement.
Identifying reprogramming centers
After this experience, I became more aware of reprogramming centers. I have seen them playing in my own timeline and I keep seeing them playing around me, targeting the original beings to prevent them from accessing more consciousness, more remembrance and to control their evolutive processes. After this episode I identified another reprogramming center that was a yoga center (Yoga Room in Belgium). I go more in depth in this experience in my article about yoga and mind control.
A reprogramming center can be an establishment presenting itself as a healing center, an institution of the state presenting itself as of assistance in terms of psychological and mental recovery, a research center, a dentist office, a medical center checking children during their school years, a naturopathic school teaching iridology. I really used to dislike medical school checks, out of proportion for what it actually was pretending it was. It can also be something seemingly harmless such as an eco-village or a community project (we have seen this with Findhorn which I write about in the article about the hijack of the project of community). These centers are accessing us in many ways. On the public scene, it can be something as a tv set or an online platform. Gaia tv is a good example; it is both a programming platform for viewers and a control center for guests who are physically traveling to the shooting location. During and after the shooting, guests are being accessed on many levels. Implanted energies are being installed to keep on installing a derailment program and to make sure that the weakest controlled timeline will be played out. Alters are being triggered and probably, instructed with new lines of conduct.
Many “too good to be true” offers may very well be dangerous. It is wiser to turn them down, even if they are tempting. Many times, a hook is being placed right into the wounding of non recognition, the wound of feeling invisible, not seen or heard, that all real originals and backdrops carry for being targeted and set-up very early on in their lives, accessing them non-stop during their childhood. This is all meant to heavily program us and forge very hard negative beliefs to live with that will shape the fabric of our reality (this include scarcity programming and low self-esteem).
A series of arranged and engineered synchronicities can lead us to end up in a reprogramming center. It was my case with Orion that was recommended to me by a handled woman who I met at an ecstatic dance in Berlin. She was under severe new age programming and was completely deluded about the reality we live in. She was used in order to target and weaken me. I was not following blindly her advice and did not contact the founders of Orion but the only fact that I spent time on ground and ate there was enough for some spider webs to take place. When we are tracing back what happened, the signature of mind-control can be found in the minds of individuals, leading us straight into the hands of handlers and triggering situations. An example of a situation that should be further analyzed is the following: when one is asking themselves, how did I end up creating this for myself? Are we finding ourselves in a situation where we are not able to place a firm boundary and distance? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you do not consent to your own implication in situations, settings and set-ups, most of the times with other mind-controlled beings around you who act as handlers but who are also very much handled and targets themselves? Yet we may find ourselves not capable of being free from mind pressure and it is hard to break the spell. We just go along with the program until we find the necessary strength in order to regain some clarity. The program knows perfectly well how to access us, where are the weaknesses or the sweet spots, where it’s hard to express self authority.
Being sexually accessed through predefined programming
Mind-controlling drugs are often used in combination to annihilate our abilities to say no because they will have an influence on the way we are able to choose whether or not we are able to extract or not from a situation we are consenting to be part of or not. These types of situations happened to me many, many times. I was unable to leave situations, individuals or places. I was not in my own mind ; I was under partial control. An example happened on festival ground in 2016. I was targeted and placed in a situation where I was not consenting to be in, though in my mind I was having this dialogue that I wanted to physically and geographically extract myself from being around a male individual, I was not able to act on this inner dialogue of mine in the physical world. He had observed me generating sensations, images and creating my own reality. Something in him saw something in me and was hoping to access that further. I was naive to talk with him and shocked to get to see his real motives. From then on, I kept on rejecting him but I was unable to walk away and tell him I did not want to speak with him anymore though what I really wanted was to leave. It was like my mind was in a box, a cube, a prison without will power. It was clear I was not consenting to any of his attempts to physically get closer to him (I was walking away and continuing talking since it’s all I could do), it did not appear as he was taking my body language and actions into considerating and he was taking advantage from the fact I was not able to voice clearly that I wanted to go away (many men have done that in my past and I have seen it playing around for many around me too). I kept on observing what was going on, as locked inside myself. I kept praying internally. Benevolence heard me during that extremely hard to navigate festival, just after I closed the door to one of my ex-partners, who had a great deal of access to me thanks to his psychic skills and because of who he is under his human suit. Continuing walking, I ended up recognizing from their back 2 friends that I knew back then (they turned out to be both handlers), I was amazed at the chance (one in a million) to be bumping into them and very grateful. This was true providence and celestial arrangement. I accelerated my pace until I could reach one of them by the arm and asked her if she would do this for me, if she would send him away. I did not look in his direction. My friend did that for me with very good communication skills and the spell was broken. This is just one moment but I had to deal with many more sexual predators and the ending was not always as providential but these are just experiences if we don’t believe too much in the story of what it is. It can be said that I have been recurrently accessed against my will though I was not able to extract from situations, especially between 2013 and 2014 when I was dealing with high level trauma in my daytime life and in a place of vulnerability. Nevertheless, it happened sporadically more recently too. When you are inhabited by a real original spark, most of your life is under influence and so are your romantic or sexual encounters ; it is common to be paired with others who are suffering from different forms of fractures and who are completely shut down from their hearts or ability to care for others : this is a way of being accessed that has to do with beta sex kitten programming and being a targeted asset used for sexual purposes.
I was in Thailand during one of my travels, it was the early morning after a full moon party and a small group of travelers had decided to go for an early swim. The atmosphere changed very soon when a corpse erupted from the waves. As we were coming back from one side of the island in a jeep, a young woman got on ; she was sobbing and looked very upset. All the way I wanted to ask her what happened to her, yet I did not dare because there were other people in the car and I was founding myself in too much of a vulnerable situation (I was still in chock) to speak up. I will never know what happened to her. Very strange things were going on on Koh Phagan and it’s certainly not the dream island it is pretending to be. Koh phagan is just a big project island and so are many of the « hip » trendy spots accross the world, including Goa, Bali, Berlin, Oslo, Helsinki, Brussels, Montreal, San Francisco, Oregon, Mount Shasta and Bugarach. In addition to the engineering I mentioned above, there was more targeting happening from officials at the customs and I was even deported once for unfair reasons. It happened several times that officials were purposely targeting me though I received apologies from a Berliner security officer once in a train station which was an incredible experience, as if the programming around injustice was breaking down as I was working very hard to turn off layers of victimization frequency.
There was a thread through my travels and this thread has a lot to do with mind control. During my first trip to Asia, my whole reality was crashed down by a dark spirited original spark that had the ability to get people hooked into him. He had a personality disorder, trouble of attention, too much going on inside of him, deep wounding and programming and a tendency to escape with drugs. Meeting him did trigger intense monarch programming to resurface and some layers took years to be integrated. After he returned to Europe, I continued traveling and different alters would be expressing during the next months. This was the most vulnerable time in my life as my mother was in great distress and it was extremely hard to witness and accept what was happening to her (her own monarch programming was being activated and she was being accessed and reprogrammed). Later on, I found photos of her with a friend who was wearing leopard clothing. I remember my mother was mentioning very strange workshops that were seeming to cross all the needed boundaries. I dealt with what was happening the best I could with much escapism and a second trip to south east asia was also very handled, especially by male individuals, some hosting low frequency attachments.
I was friend with another mind-controlled targeted friend and I met her mother in a sort of cult I had relationships with earlier in Belgium, based on humanist psychology and held by a backdrop handler non animated by spirit. Her mother was following some classes there and it’s through her that we met and became good friends. That friend of mine used to call me by different nicknames which would encourage me unconsciously to adopt certain behaviours. We were paired in order for old monarch programming installed to erupt. Later on though, she could not bear me sharing some truths online that were going against her very strongly anchored new age programming. I discovered she is schizophrenic and her healing in this lifetime will be limited due to her sabotage programming and her destructive alters being very active. It got me reminded of the fact that, when I was in high school one of my friends was calling me Tinkerbell. I never connected the dots together. A lot of what had been going on had to do with layers of new age programming and low self-esteem. The toxicity of our relationship evaporated when the triggers would just not work anymore. Travelers I would make along the way would also lead me to another very abusive relationship, connecting to their networks once back home, which would keep me busy 2 years and then another year to recover from it and integrate and read deeper in the layers of what had been taking place. It took a few more years to be able to see the wholeness of all these experiences, a solid ground to be learning from and start deprogramming.
False memories and reprogramming through hypnosis
Everything was made harder due to the distress of my mother ; it was a viciously engineered corner as I was just about to separate from my then partner just before entering a grieving period. It was such a cleverly orchestrated plan now that I look at it back then, behind the curtains. I learned much from it all and still to this day revisit some layers of false memories of what I thought had been happening at the time and what was actually going on. See that is what false memories are like, it is about thinking something has happened a certain way when in fact it has happened a completely different other. When we revisit through a different angle, that is how we can pierce through cover and false memories.
There was another episode with a very clearly false memory implanted leading to huge drama and harvest of energy with my then partner about a missing piece of clothes. These 2 ex-partners were mainly there to trigger self-destructive behaviours and push me into the darkest corners of personality disorder and reactive behaviours. During that relationship I believe I was reprogrammed when I was consulting a belgian hypnotherapist. She was not able to identify I was in an abusive relationship. During one of the sessions, we were working on the traumatic loss of my mother and I have full amnesia of what happened. Later on I would delete the audio file that I had recorded, maybe it was a layer of self sabotage taking over making sure to delete the proof. That hypnotherapist encouraged me (programmed me) to be indifferent in the relationship (later I would think these methods encourage dissociation instead of addressing the cause of the unease). I know she had addictions and a tendency to drink, smoke and switch to escapism mode. It is someone I appreciated back then and had gratitude for and an emotional attachment to. I knew she was not conscious of what was happening in the consultation room and at the time I really did not understand what was all being played out. It took me time to be accepting to be in touch with darker aspects of how she was used and later it has been making sense to read her frequency signature as a walk out. The spirit was not there anymore.
After having opened my eyes on new layers of engineering in my life, I also connect the dots differently when I think about the destinations of my past travels (Oregon and California, Scandinavia, Canada, East coast of the US) where I have been very surely used and accessed. Another very handled travel was when I traveled to Oregon for the Eclipse in 2018 and spend 2 months after in California. I could not escape male handlers either, accessing me, triggering me, keeping me under control or making sure I was staying within some lines. I am at the beginning of commanding to access more memories in between the walls of imposed amnesia, around my involvement in projects in daytime reality and in astral realms. I acknowledged the presence of cloaked or invisible beings several times in the last few years in my house but I am sure there were many more occasions where I did not pick up the electromagnetic signature. I also spotted a few remote viewers. I have been programmed not to very much notice that I am being monitored. There is specific programming for that. Cover memories are also about our ability to question what has been going on and ask ourselves « wait a minute, what did really happen behind the surface ? ». While I was beginning to write notes about this, I had an inner self-lock programming leading to lose a part of the text that I wrote. These self-sabotage programmings are installed within us to make sure the remembering process is slowed down or just to trigger us in unsteady emotional states.
For now the work of remembrance has to do with reading patterns in a clairsentient and clairknowing way. Sometimes, I see it also in the eyes of a friend of mine, the mind-controlled foggy gaze and when I listen to what they are saying, I see the red flags of how they are being accessed during daytime and nighttime. When we listen with attention to others we can see the patterns playing out. Underneath the visible and surface level, there is much that is out of conscious access. It takes a lot of constant inner work to remember when our memories are being wiped, modified, accessed and rewritten. We might not always know which is a true memory and which is a false imprint.
Rereading the past under new angles
My life has been under influence since the early beginning, my mother was involved in the projects too. Her daytime torture due to the engineering got her to live in painful states of low self-esteem and beliefs about herself. A lot of her programming was passed onto me. Gangstalkers were around me since very early on and my life has been remotely controlled, influenced and monitored, including with unsolicited remote surveillance. The best is done to keep me on my weakest timeline and attempts to reprogram me are numerous and happening every single day. The imprint of emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical abuse was engineered to various degrees early on, so I would fall prey to the same frequencies when adventuring out. No one is 100% safe but a lot of beautiful beings will still draw many lines and won’t go over them. Very rare beings are consciously linked to evil and consciously practicing black witchcraft. I have learned to keep a much more confidential network nowadays, especially made from the ones I have encountered in real life. Most of the friends I had along the way have also been targeted individuals although most of them did not have the same reading of reality I have. They weren’t seeing it as organized, they were just doing with the difficulties and a low self-esteem that keep them vulnerable to manipulation and traps. I have seen how the threads are engineered in their lives and how dark or less dark handlers are there at each corner in order to influence their decisions and actions.
Reprogramming through and granted access to low frequency principalities
End of 2020, someone contacted me because one of my handlers from 2020 shared an article of mine with his network. She had dissociative identity disorder (we all have to a certain extent but it’s more out of hand in her case). I am not sure she was not a vessel and without spirit. Her eyes are not pointing in the same direction, which is a sign of extreme dissociation. A gaze can say a lot about where people are at in their journey and how much their mind has been split. I took the bait and proposed for us to meet since we were both in Belgium. We walked and talked while walking in the woods and then she invited me to drink tea at her place. I accepted to eat 2 pears and to drink what she prepared. Though when I entered the room, I saw she was sort of standing just in front of the water and the energy was so weird that I just stopped and observed and waited a moment before entering the room. I was in cognitive dissonance though. I did not drink the water but I chose to let my guard down which was a mistake. For the next 30 minutes, I was being accessed by something invisible but it’s only later that I would be able to trace back what had happened. We kept on talking and the space was different psychically than it had been in the park when we were walking ; the exchange was deeper and something else was in the game that completely was changing the ongoing frequency signature. I did not notice that I had partially switched until I left.
A sub-personality was drastically accessed and it was traumatic; I was no longer in full control of my movements or my words (I would touch her arm while observing what was happening and I was not in command). This has happened in the past subtly and not so subtly; here the switch was clear and the brain waves had been turned to a programmable delta state, preparing me for more reprogramming during nighttime. The next few days I woke up with the feeling of having been drugged, amorphous and feeling like a zombie. It took me a good week to come to my senses and it took a while to clean all the traces in my consciousness. This kind of unwelcomed events are generally resolved and integrated over a longer period of time. In videos I shot during this period you could visibly see that I was not clear. This woman was used to secure access to me in the physical and tangible reality.
After a few months, I contacted her to let her know what happened for me. She still would trigger me slightly in how she reacted and she would still feel very dissociated in the way she was able to handle the news so it was preferable for me to take distance. Hidden forces that want to keep control over the reals used this episode to reprogram me. In particular, I was just about to start my first course on cellular detoxification and it was not appreciated by the dark factions. This is what I was choosing to do and working hard on setting into place during the waking hours of my days.
After that episode, it has been harder for me to trust for a few months. The situation was extremely intrusive and traumatic because I was still observing what was going on while an alter that I had no awareness of was convoked. This alter within me I felt was extremely loyal to and concerned to please some external dark forces and in some ways answering orders. I touched the woman’s arm but that was not me who was doing this, that was something else in command. This reminded me that I was doing that also some times in the past though at the time I did not notice the split as I was noticing now. I was not in full control anymore of my actions and words. There was access and intrusion (not even hiding) to internal softwares without me being able to be in control of what was happening ; it had to do with how the dark factions wanted to influence me during daytime. Integrating sub personalities comes with a day to day work of observation : it’s about integrating step after step what erupts from our daytime activity. In these cases, it’s important to be tracing back where the intrusion was engineered from. In my case, it was about a past handler that I was breaking ties with at that same period. There were links to the scene of Project Camelot and covert projects linked to the Vatican as well.
Many of us do keep ready to feedback with ourselves when we are extracted from the situations causing the bending within us. A lot of our weaknesses have to do with basic psychology and installed coping mechanisms but also with hidden subpersonalities that can emerge. It reminds me of an episode where a young man whom I became roomate with when I spent one month in Mount Shasta and who was definitely a handler of mine, offered me repetitively things to eat and drink, including berries (which I like a lot). This man would distort the field so much creating all kinds of scenarios that were not reflecting the truth ; he would make me look jealous while in fact it was his devious attitude that was leaving me speechless. He would create drama that was not there. It was all fascinating and he was under the influence of hidden handlers for sure.
« We are all in the projects »
We are memory wiped and our memories are under influence. Real spirited beings connected to source, we all are being accessed in ways that are not evident. During daytime, any intrusion matters. For example, earlier this year in 2021, I would get messages sent to my website by a sort of virus every day, several times a day. I did something about it to shut the intrusion down. They come in different forms every day and every day, I am conscious I need a lot of gearing up to protect myself and my living space.
In a hive-mind environment like Facebook, I experienced different episodes knowing “we are all in the projects” and in some ways “together” though I don’t know what this together exactly means ; because it has to do with covert missions and abductions as well. But the reason why some of us are in touch is clearly because we are being used in the projects. I now stay away from most of public figures in the alternative information scene as most of them have much darkness and are under dark contracts overruling them. Most of them tend to be handlers ; each has their own unique style.
At some point, we can feel the constriction of the walls of the prison and the degree of intrusion deep within, and the accesses that have been granted through agreeing to be in touch with handlers and how they influence our decisions. Many times we are invaded and we don’t even know about it. At that moment when we realize we are, it’s time to leave. We may finally give credit to what we were perceiving all along that was absolutely not functional. If one is yearning to be mirrored with reciprocation in communication, that is the version that the hologram will be sending : backdrops, intelligent sims and even real spirited beings, mimicking this deep desire of yours. Yet the frequency won’t lie because it is not genuine communication. A proposed handler is often the answer to the previous handler, the apparent perfect « solution » for the trauma that has just been experienced. We generally feel much gratitude for them appearing in our lives until we understand why they did appear. That is where reactive behaviour is leading us. Breaking ties with handlers often comes with emotional and psychological suffering because the gaslighting can be disturbing and tenacious.
For too long, I was held by my doubt about my psychic abilities and I know I am being used for them. Though we do not consent being used as assets, we still are and the reclamation work continues. It’s important to keep on investigating how we have been used in the past and to be willing to know how we are still being used now. It’s our right to be reclaiming our memory and asking assistance from Benevolence and Spirit. As we keep on following the path of excavation of all that is hidden, it will keep on being revealed.
Mind control is to be understood in more and more refined layers because the system keeps on targeting the unconscious and subconscious (how the reals bend reality here). Many are not realistic about what this realm is about and have been selling out to one or several of the programs meant to entrap them ; they might be swimming in the delusion of the tentacles of temptation. Advanced beings in this realm in terms of deprogramming are struggling with high levels of intrusion on a daily basis ; it’s not to be forgotten that there is much we can do about it and we have all the keys in our hands. When we act with authority and we cast a spell for them to go away, we can see the extent of how powerful we are ! It’s a lifetime commitment to be recovering from things we do not even remember at this very present moment. The good news is we don’t have to know it all today. We may have trust and faith in the timing of our spirit connected to the timing of the Greater All. The walls will keep on revealing what is behind them as we keep on progressing on the path. What are we managing to do and accomplish in our daytime reality ? We may keep on asking for the truth to be revealed no matter what it looks like (because it’s never what we think it is).