Entertainment (enter-tained-the-ment) refers at a grip on the mind of subjects. Indeed, the fascination for the entertainment industry can lead the seeker from rabbit hole to rabbit hole. It is often about maintaining narratives and programming. The culture that is proposed to us decades after decades is unfolding in a certain order. The entertainment industry is often about handling our time.
The corruption of the entertainment industry
People in positions of power play a role in socially and behaviorally programming the majority. A portion can be bought, either financially or spiritually. The matrix architects designed a very efficient mind control for original sparks here, making sure we would end up paying to further the grip on our minds : compromised online coaching, concerts with subliminal messages, the electronic music and festival scene, self-development and new age businesses. The list goes on. Much of our freedom to think unique thoughts away from our programming has to be reclaimed.
Celebrities very involved with the illuminati symbolism can also be part of the distraction to suck time and energy away, with endless layers of coding. Real celebrities are often under spiritual contracts with dark forces just as we are in our lives if we are not actively cleaning them out and practicing frequency signature discernment. The degree of fame is controlled by powerful AI algorythms. Videos often go viral if they are allowed to do so. There is often a degree of entrapment and harvesting that comes with this exposure. It is usually not something that is happening randomely. Sympathy is being created with known figures and along the years, sinister agendas can be moved forward. The entertainment industry can be triggering the wounding of non recognition of many unknown faces. The fame of celebrities does not belong to them, it has been an identity created for them, an identity used for spiritual entrapment. Furthermore, a high percentage of online influencers in all fields are the pure product of mind-control. They are feeding the big machine as their actions, decisions and thoughts are the product of an inverted culture that they don’t truly question in its fondation.
Taking the knee before a match is linked to maconic symbolism. Everytime we identify with a country or a nationality, a reduction or limitation is created. Football world cups are not innocent. What happens within a stadium? The frequency is often draining for real beings due to the presence of so many AI beings around them and covert rituals being led. This within the stadium is having repercussions and consequences of spiritual entrapment. ; it may feed agendas of misery, division, competition, violence. Supporting a team at the world cup (or any politician during the elections) comes with the responsibility of giving this type of consent away.
The music industry is largely controlled by dark occultists who know how to direct creative energy from one place to another. Music can be used for good but it can also be used as a weapon to direct consciousness. Indeed, music plays a big role into accessing our emotionality and our vulnerabilities. With the music industry, it’s a look and a feel that are being pushed, with an effect of novelty attached to it. Many musicians are connected to the military through their parents ; many music bands use crafts and agreements to access fame. Independent artists have to find their own platforms and their own ways if they desire to resist the degree of spiritual entrapment that come with mainstream companies from the industry.
Personal exposure and specific examples
I had a complex relationship with the media, celebrities and Hollywood when I was a child, then a teenager and young adult. Television has been a way to live many lives by procuration, it also introduces many to much of exposure to an inverted model of sexuality and polarized behaviors. I have felt so deeply with characters on my screen. I could be an observer and they would not be able to take directly advantage of me. But others would, as the embedded programming was preparing me for numerous predators out there looking for preys. In my early twenties, I studied screenwriting for 3 years at university. I never seeked a job in that industry as I was feeling it would be a hard field to navigate and I chose books and written literature instead as a way to shelter and protect myself. I started to write movie critics and analysis for a non-profit organizations led by wealthy older women. Looking back now, 10 years later, it’s easy to see the programming that was up to place at that time, keeping me in a more limited version of reality than the one I am able to access now. After a while, I took distance with the association.
Series like Lost, Fringe or Stranger Things created a certain amount of fascination in me; they are all about revealing layers of secret projects that are led covertly or overtly, to which a portion of us are directly linked. It happened that I could trace back image implantations in my psyche of Luc Besson’s movies, like small particles of crystals being stuck in my cellular memory. Maconic shows such as America’s got talent or The Voice are engineered to target original sparks, in the candidates and in the audience.
Anna Nicole Smith, Lana Del Rey or Robbie Williams have had active beta sex kitten programming. Tragedy is attached to their stories. Leopard clothing is part of the sex kitten programming. All pieces of clothing of this type should be put to the bin as the programming is subliminal. Sometimes, it’s about good girl gone bad programming and the robbing of innocence and the corruption of purity, especially with child stars such as Britney Spears who has been at the mercy of her numerous programmers and handlers. This is about a profound and twisted desire to see innocence and wholesomeness being inverted and taken over. It has an impact on the innocence of fans who are witnessing a metamorphosis happening right in front of their eyes.
There is also a degree of ritualistic events or ceremonies (Katy Perry and her outfits). Sometimes, it is purely about polarizing the masses with the creation of a negative insurgent reaction. Movies are used to prepare political events (Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman being placed in leading roles to prepare for the presidency of Obama, strong female roles were preparing for the eventuality of Hillary Clinton).
Dark teenage programming
Watching television, adoring icons and merging energy with pop stars is not without consequences. Sometimes, it comes with soaking in sexual depravation and low self-esteem and misery programming. Parents and especially mothers usually think it is harmless for their children to invest their time, energy and focus in magazine collages as teenagers. Yet suicide rates are saying otherwise. Dark agendas of self destruction are being led through suggestions, with characters such as Billie Eilish leading the way. Ten years earlier, Lady Gaga was proposing an imagery linked to mind-control, yet the new version is much more brutal and demonically inspired. Billie Eillish is the product of the mind controlling industry, with a bored, dead-eyed depressed teenager persona and the depictions, in her video clips, of abuse. Her lyrics are encouraging suicide and self destructive programming. Yet, tracks which have been encouraging suicide are nothing new ; it is just a new more blatant variant. Lawsuits have been filled in the United States after the loss of young influenceable minds going too deep with tracks embedded with occult dark suggestions. What is sponsored by Netflix (marked by a high degree of symbology, symbols of pyramids, the one-eye or the number 666) is consistently in line with the agenda of the global elites. Some series are geared to program and target teenagers and preteens exclusively. The series 13 Reasons Why has been associated with a significant increase in suicide rates.
As a teenager, I always have been extremely psychic and could tune to much more than what was apparent. Nowadays, when I look at profiles of teenagers around me on social medias, I see words of despair, self loathing and a concerning proximity with death as their calls for connection are remaining unanswered. I have been there myself and I have gone through these years, I just dearly hope they are finding their ways to extract from these layers of programming.
When I was 15, I remember being very traumatized as I was exposed to the news of the death of young artists. I was in grief and sorrow for 3 days when Aaliyah’s death was announced, I was not a fervent follower of her work yet imagining her tragic death at such a young age was deeply traumatizing for my exposed psyche. My parents wanted to paint a wall in the basement and I volunteered to do it. I ended up drawing a pentacle with the name of 5 celebrities who had disappeared young, painting in black and red (maybe as well an inner knowing of their sacrifices somehow). During the summer of 2020, I spent a lot of time reorganizing the space in this part of the house, with its glass windows over the lower parts of the garden. I then came to the realization that the painting I made was influenced by thought injections ; I never would have willingly chosen to draw a pentacle on that wall. Now the wall has been repainted in a soft yellow color ; the feeling is different in the room. I had totally forgotten about the pentacle on the wall, I was not even seeing it for what it was, until one day I connected the dots. After that action of painting the wall, my dreams were injected with my first overt narcissist and I mistook that for love, because of the inverted programming targeting me severely. That boy would expect that I would meet his standards. I was blind to what was truly happening on deeper levels and I was blind for a long time. This set-up kept on repeating in my dreams for years ; on astral levels I was still being hunted by the same scenario. All I felt at that time was the despair of these years, while I was targeted at schools by different teachers or students used as handlers. I started to have suicidal thoughts, another form of thought injections.
Walking away from the fascination
During my twenties, I reclaimed my attention and focus from the entertainment industry but was then directed to the new age scene or towards conscious and unconscious controlled opposition agents, gurus and new types of more direct handlers. I have been learning to pay attention to how my time and attention are being harvested and to protect them better. Not long ago, I watched a Disney movie as I felt a sense of fascination for the young star Grace VanderWaal, who was propulsed to stardom in a singing competition. She shared in an interview that she barely remember winning the show. What they do during these singing competitions is creating a strong feeling of attachment with the presented story of the characters. I was curious to see through with my current eyes since : I knew if I had still been a teenager, I would probably fall for her character, on the more innocent and etheric dreamy side. The movie Stargirl was full of codependent sacrifice programming and must be leaving such a disenchanted and sad imprint on the minds of the young ones, soaking in all the distorsion embedded deep into their cells. The character is a kind and caring being who want to celebrate others for their birthdays and enchant their lives. Yet she ends up being constantly rejected for who she is, abused or betrayed, including by her boyfriend who is asking her to sacrifice her unicity in order for him to be at ease and for others to be pleased. She forgives blindly and keeps on giving, the perfect ground for sacrifice programming and giving much credit to the reality of others over ours. The fact that she is named stargirl is even an indicator of her already split and people-pleasing personality. It’s been decades Disney has been setting inverted and sick standards for the younger minds. It has never been an inoffensive business company. The disneyfication of our world is concerning.
- typical monarch encoding
- to beta sex kitten programming
- Horn cabal symbology
On the international scene of acting and singing, some less blatantly mind controlled females would be the Emma Watson or Lindsey Stirling models. Lindsey Stirling is not the typical, hyper-sexualized pop star. Yet, in her video clips, we can find mk ultra imprints.
They are part of the problem, the Russel Brand and Jim Carey who do their best to appear « woke ». This is another level of psychological game. They are keeping playing the role that has been engineered and decided for them. There are many more levels to see through, from the evident Joe Rogan and Alex Jones to more subtle types of controlled opposition agents in the fields of spirituality. How does it feel to be in the same room and how does it feel to be communicating with them ? If we never experienced it, we never get the chance to get a direct feedback from our personal experience.
I have spent many hours of my time on the rollercoaster of the emotions with beings on my screen. I learned to become more cautious about my exposition to programming through the entertainment industry, the music and cinema industry and even social, art events and festivals. For years, I gave to these scenes a minimal amount of my attention, energy and focus. I have learned to develop my frequency scanner. I have learned to see beyond the masks because my own story has confronted me with countless traps with ingenious and innovative ever renewed disguises.
Controlled opposition on new age platforms
The way I got into Gaia TV was purely engineered. I first tried the free month subscription and then felt overwhelmed with the content and did not want to pursue my involvement further. That is the time when an acquaintance advised to me a show called Open Minds with Regina Meredith. There was a lot of archives and I was hooked for months. But something felt off : when I connected to books or recommendations coming from Gaia, it never led anywhere. Worse, it could create complications. I could perceive that some guests were possessed or dark (Stewart Pearce and I had a personal interaction with Andrea Perron). The platform was used to promote the Cosmic Disclosure (with the mind-controlled David Wilcock and Corey Goode) or David Icke’s stuff (his energy signature does not pass the test ; his ban from Youtube was engineered (to promote BrandNewTube, another platform made to collect individuals leaving Youtube or being banned of it). Icke’s repetitive apparition on Gaia TV should already be enough of a red flag, not mentioning the staged martyrdome which seems to be a theme still going strong for the ones under the spell. The same happened with the charismatic character of Julian Assange playing a lot on a more feminized aspect.
Gaia TV is made to keep the viewers in their heads, mixing truth with lies. The frequency isn’t quite right ; it is deceptive and mind manipulative. Later on, I realised Gaia is without a doubt a corrupted platform and came to the same conclusions for Collective Evolution where red flags were accumulating and I felt concerned by the level of mind-control of guests appearing on TED talks, which I later discovered were engineered in order to create content on the internet. I understood that the advise from my now ex-friend was orchestrated by thought injection to steal my time and energy away. Indeed, she played a part in hooking me into Gaia when I was about to leave. I took the bait. I noticed a lot of red flags about Regina Meredith by spending time with her pieces of information. When I left, as it always does, a new chapter opened for me with information of a higher degree of quality (not to say it was perfect and exempt of programming either).
The ties of social media with mind-control
Facebook is a governmental project doing advanced type of virtual behavioral modifications. Its algorithms are cyclically reprogrammed and so are its users. Indeed, social media encourages self-centered discourse and behaviours focused on appearance and looks, sometimes disguised under the cover of a ‘spiritual’ quote ; it rewards photos of the self as its predominant content. Mk ultra triggers and symbolism are being carried through. This is affecting people in their everyday life. The attention spam is short. It is designed to trigger envy, resentment, agressivity, hatred, anger or feelings of unworthiness due to the lack of external validation. These are the new platforms for targeting, culminating at peak with Youtube. External rewards are quantified. Binary concepts and extreme polarization are being encouraged. The time and attention of users is being sold for profit. These platforms are built to create predictable emotions in us and to develop circuits of addiction.
Soundcloud was blatanly caught supporting fake narratives and engineered events as Black Lives Matter, encouraging their audience to give consent away to the engineered narratives by agreeing to engage in them. During the lockdown, we have seen many wanting to leave corrupted platforms because of a desire to align with a higher degree of ethics and morals. The truth is, except if we have built a community of our own, there is nowhere to go. I spotted occult symbolism on MeWe, which was presented as a “safer alternative” for the ones leaving Facebook. It seems to be just another disguise to entrap the minds of individuals in new forms of cubical mind programming spaces. That is probably the case as well for an app like Signal which was recommended by Edward Snowden, who is certainly not a genuine whisleblower.
An engineered life
True whistleblowers have not easy access to main alternative platforms. They experience set-up after set-up while navigating the programmed reality of this realm. Fall-outs and betrayals are set-up along the way, through the programming in other people’s minds who can not differentiate the signature of their own spirit (if they have one in the first place) from how they are programmed and controlled to react. The real ones are often with the least numbers. They grow organically to build their communities, which have to resist infiltration. They always need to refine their discernment from their mk ultra programming, since they usually have been severely gaslighted and belittled in order to have a low self-esteem. They can only see so clear as they have deprogrammed themselves. They stay by the side of their integrity above anything else and that is how they navigate their lives in this reality, day after day.