Aria Persei

Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance

The healing system of the mucus free diet, a non obstructive way of eating

In front of the conflict of interest in the fields of science and medicine, which bury the symptoms without understanding the cause, we are invited to become experts of our own healing. The mucus free way of eating is not one more food propaganda but a long-term treatment of continuous regeneration that allows the body to put back into circulation and remove old (from decades ago) metabolic waste.

Today, we are facing an unprecedented degeneration our ancestors have never known: a diet far removed from natural principles, processed products, polluted air, chemtrails, pesticides, etc. not to mention all the deregulatory factors constantly putting a strain on our vital human functions, nervous and hormonal systems. For most doctors, human body reactions, especially in case of sickness, remain a mystery. The mucus free way of eating is a lifestyle which aims at dissolving metabolic waste encrusted in the body, eliminating it in a controlled way, understanding the processes of elimination in the body and the real function of organs while taking a look at the extent of the hidden damage inside of our bodies. Detoxification is an art and each case is unique.

Coming back to the cause

The mucus free diet includes all raw, cooked and dried fruit, starch-free vegetables (mainly greens), herbs, sprouts, seaweeds and fruit-vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and peppers). The most important substance for the human body is the most developed form of carbohydrate, the sugar contained in almost all ripe fruits and, to a lesser extent, in vegetables. New tissues can be formed from the simple sugars from fruits and not from metabolized proteins or fats: proteins are formed through the transformation of other food substances. Is it necessary for a cow to drink milk so she can produce some? Cows are able to build flesh, tissue, bones, hair, milk, energy, heat exclusively from grass. On a side note, breast milk contains no more than 2.5 to 3% of protein. We are many to see favorable changes when leaving aside some food groups and items. The body does not depend on food to find its energy.

Modern constipation

Diseases mainly result from local constipations, obstructions of human tissue, linked to a surplus of mucus in this region on the top of inherited weaknesses: diseases are in fact constipation, they consist of an unknown rotten mass in the human body, old from decades and especially located in the intestines and the colon. The diet of our civilized world is never fully digested and the resulting waste is never completely eliminated.

But, what is mucus really? It’s a viscous and sticky fluid that does not dissolve inside of other fluids or tissues. It is generated according to particular contexts and has a defense role against toxins entering the body. It also traps external pathogens and agglutinates particularly in our sinuses, lungs, throat and around our glands. Each food that produces mucus when it breaks down also produces acids. True healing requires the release and cleanse of the layers of density accumulated since conception. We are invited to review our table habits, and to return to less diversity within the same meal. No animal, for example, mixes several types of food in the same meal or even drinks between 2 bites. When they get sick, animals abstain from eating. The idea that energy can flow in us without food undermines very deep belief structures.

What to look for in the way we eat?

It is important to be taking into account the following points: level of congestion in the system, presence of poison, amount of drugs, state of decomposition of the organs and general level of vitality. At the beginning of a cleansing process, we shouldn’t look at the potential nutritional value of the food we consume but rather at the dissolution and elimination properties of ingredients. How much pathogenic material do they produce in the body? What trace do they leave? What are their properties of dissolution, elimination and healing? Meats are all in a state of decomposition. All fats form acids (even those of vegetable origin) and can’t be used by the body (no animal consumes fat). Eggs contain much protein and have sticky properties, they are constipating. Cheeses are highly acidic and mucus-forming. Rice is one of the greatest formers of mucus, it makes an excellent glue. Condiments are much less harmful than mucus-forming foods. Berg’s table classifies acid-forming foods (smoked ham being the least acid-forming in the meat category with an index of 6.95, seafood 19.52, egg yolk 51, chestnuts 9) and acid neutralisers (oysters 10.25, black radish with skin 39, spinach 28, tomatoes and cucumbers 13, figs 27, raisins 15, olives 30 and tea leaves 53). This might be why if you squeeze a lemon on fish or eat a good portion of acid neutralizing vegetables along with acidogenic foods, the negative effect of these foods is partially mitigated.

The transition diet

Everyone can start where they are thanks to the transition diet, which includes intermediate foods which are moderately mucus forming: some cereals (millet, quinoa, spelt), sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables, dried nuts, avocados, legumes, etc. High in protein and fat, nuts should be consumed with moderation. The transition period ensures gradual and controlled change towards a diet that does not form mucus within the body. This adaptation period is not negligible and can evolve in stages: excessive detoxification can cause uncomfortable symptoms, via toxemia which is being put back in circulation in the blood (also causing irresistible food cravings). On the other hand, very often, our organs of elimination are slowed down and no longer fulfill their original functions. Finally, such changes in food bring to the surface a mountain of buried emotions that must be integrated one by one. It took me six months of transition (with starchy vegetables, some hummus and advocados) before diving into a 42-day masterfast. It is important to go gradually and to take from 6 months to a year before being able to be at ease with the mucusless way of eating.

On the creation of mucus, debris and waste in our bodies

There is an accumulation of organic acids in the tissues which induces inflammation and mineral deficiencies. The accumulation of waste provides favorable breeding-grounds for microbes and parasites. When confronted to a stimulating food, the body enters a state of stress: the glandular system is induced to pour adrenal hormones into the bloodstream and this may be felt as an uplifting stimulation. Meat stimulates the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system thus creating tension and readiness for action. Fruits have the opposite effect. They stimulate the release of insulin, which counteracts the effect of adrenal hormones. While vegetables, especially those high in chlorophyl, make us more relaxed, fruits make us physically, emotionally and psychically more sensitive. Both fruits and vegetables increase our intuition.

When we begin to crave for the stimulation, this leads to an addiction to a particular food. After many years of using addictive food the glandular system is weakened and stronger stimulants are required (alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco). Eventually even these will not achieve the desired effect or only for shorter and shorter periods. Commonly the alarm reaction occurs in early childhood when we are first introduced to wheat or cows’ milk, maize or soy milk and then settles down to several decades of hidden allergies with minimal symptoms. However, eventually the capacity of the adrenal glands to produce sufficient anti-inflammatory hormones becomes exhausted and we enter the exhaustion phase. Now we have a maladaptation to allergens and emotional stress with chronic and generalized inflammations. After complete avoidance of an allergenic food and while reducing the overall allergenic inputs from other influences at the same time one usually becomes hypersensitive to that food for a period lasting from a few weeks to several months. After this the sensitivity to the offending food gradually declines : an addictive pattern induces us to eat our favorite food every day or we are threatened with withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, we have a craving for a certain food and eating or drinking it makes us feel better. The body can be made sensitive to allergic reactions by regularly using alkalizers.  Reactions can also be stopped using homeopathy.

Some advices for our everyday life:

  • Save and use cooking water  ;
  • Cook for the shortest period possible  ;
  • Do not leave acid food in contact with metal surfaces  ;
  • Do not cook what can be conveniently be eaten raw  ;
  • Do not fry or heat oils or fats.

What to do with all of this?

At first glance, these ideas may seem a little radical. Reading them without resistance requires keeping an open mind and avoiding many misconceptions around food (which are many). And who is really ready to adapt to a full time lifestyle? Too often, we want a miracle recipe, an express detox so we can keep on with our journey. My research has led me to discover that we over-estimate our health and underestimate the time our body needs to regenerate. Pesco-vegetarian for 12 years, vegan for a year and a half, these diets had allowed me to experience relief from the diet of my childhood and adolescence with my parents (including grains, meat and dairy and sugar), without allowing me to access a deeper stage of healing. At each step, cellular detoxification is full of treasures because it is a field of experimentation for a better knowledge of oneself and a renewed sovereignty around our health. Once the technique is mastered and once one has understood how the body operates, buried feelings and the way we numb ourselves in life are the key aspects to be adressed. By feeling it all as everything is coming up to the surface, we have the opportunity to release each footprint, one by one.

Here is the list of the mucus creation of each food item.

A few tips:

  • Add lemon juice to fruits; eat dried nuts with dried fruits (and not with fresh fruits because water and fat do not mix); fruits can be mixed with celery, lettuce, carrots and raw beets. If one can’t handle raw fruits, they can be cooked: the efficiency of vital healing of fresh fruits can be too aggressive at first.
  • To dissolve hardened mucus: prepare the juice and pulp of 4 lemons with honey.
  • Seared, crispy or cooked in chips without the presence of fat, sweet potatoes are almost devoid of mucus. They are better than potatoes which are best well cooked to reduce the production of mucus.
  • Limiting the amount of fluid present during a meal (including soups). During a fast, the less one drinks, the more potent the fast will be.